Will someone please explain to me why this ad would make me want to buy a Toyota 4Runner? It starts off with a simple banner for the product. Am I in? I don't know.
A slider appears. I slide it from "out" to "in."
Creepy-crawlies of all types begin to infest the ad, becoming more and more numerous. It kind of makes me think of the scene early in the "Fellowship of the Ring" when the hobbits are hiding from the Nazgul in a ditch, and worms, spiders, and scorpions start to ooze out of the earth.
The end. A few spiders remain. I wonder why there was a man's arm in the ad, just sitting there, and now it's gone.
I have a pretty extensive background in marketing, so usually I can suss out what an ad is trying to accomplish, but this one has me stumped. I now associate 4Runners with being covered in insects and arachnids. That's not a positive association for me.
Does anyone have an explanation?
That is completely bizarre. I don't get it either--and I have a background in marketing too. I'll have to show this to my husband--another marketing geek--and see what he thinks.
Given the kind of automobile it is, do you suppose they're trying to suggest it's good for camping? But do they really want to so strongly associate camping with bugs? After seeing the ad, I don't want a 4Runner AND I don't want to go camping.
Um... Getting into the vehicle = Getting away from the bugs?
Faint praise for the Toy Yoda, as presumably any vehicle would do in those circumstances.
I cannot offer an explanation...but Toyota I am FOR SURE out! in spite of my love for great outdoors...
hmmmm... I have no idea what they were thinking! I would not even go test drive that thing for fear of finding some unwanted creepy crawlies from the add coming out from under the seats. Very bizarre indeed!
Best wishes for 2010 , for all horse lovers !!
Horse Riding Equipment
Best Wishes for 2010 ! for all horse lovers!
I googled it. I think you're supposed to think of bugs == adventure. I like to think my truck protects me from the evil bugs that infest our planet, and I wouldn't buy one that proclaimed it'd get me closer to the bugs.
so maybe this is just a guy thing...my son for example can't get enough of bugs.
I was thinking outdoors/camping or Fear Factor. I searched it though: http://tinyurl.com/yc5nlow
I think they missed the mark.
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