Monday, May 17, 2010

Second lesson on Baby Huey

I had a really fun lesson on Huey on Saturday. Camilla hauled both Huey and Flash over, and she took a lesson as well. The plan was to stick Flash in an empty stall while I had my lesson, but Huey had a meltdown when I got him into the arena and he realized Flash wasn't coming, so rather than spend my entire lesson getting Huey to stop shrieking and leaping about, Camilla brought Flash into the arena and stood with him. Silly Baby Huey.

With his buddy back in the picture, Huey was very good. I can tell the quality of the trot and canter has improved since our last lesson. I'm also able to keep a solid connection much of the time. (Huey would rather float behind the bit.) No more crowhopping in the canter departs, and transitions in general are looking much more relaxed. Camilla took Huey to a cross country clinic on Sunday, and she said the instructor complimented her on Huey's flatwork. Yay!

You'll see in the video trainer Leslie with her arm in a cast. She was helping the head trainer work on piaffe to passage transitions as a ground person, and the horse kicked out and broke her wrist. Two pins and no riding for eight weeks. Her mom, next to her, has a broken ankle from a bad step a month ago. Together, they look like they've been in a rumble.


Fiona said...

You don't know me, but I follow your blog, and I've gotta say - there must be something in the air this spring. I know four people, including myself, who have broken a limb in horse-related incidents in the last month! (Me - broken ankle, four screws and a plate, no riding for at least 3 months.)

halfpassgirl said...

Ouch! When I was unloading Huey for the lesson, he had a minor freakout and squished me against the wall. Nothing broken, but I do have an impressive, tennis-ball sized bruise on my upper arm. So yes, I agree that something is in the air!

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

He's such a hard worker! You can totally see that in this video.