Monday, November 22, 2010

Huey rocks the lateral work

Another fun lesson on Huey! We worked on turn-on-the-haunches, leg yield, shoulder-in, travers, and baby half pass. He's such a sweetheart. I'm really gaining appreciation for the above-and-beyond qualities of an event horse. One day it's: go, go, go, jump, jump, jump! And the next it's: slow down, focus, and bend your body this way and that.

Tomorrow I'm off to the ranch in Blanco! I've got my boots, breeches, helmet, and gloves packed. I should have some pix and/or video to share shortly. Then, on Friday, I fly to Guadalajara for the book fair. The weather in both places looks fantastic: low eighties, sunny, little chance of rain.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Looked great. Your position is very nice!