Thursday, March 27, 2008

Body of horse, neck of giraffe

Willow's teeth issues seem to have resolved. She has gone from whole-hearted bucking in the canter, to half-hearted bucking, to no bucking at all last night. This is a good thing, because she's pretty good at bucking. I think she finally realizes the poky places in her mouth are gone.

Her mouth issues were also causing her to suck back (often as a prelude to bucking!) and that hasn't entirely disappeared. I've been patient with the sucking back long enough; last night I did a little butt-kicking. Our first real quarrel! Willow would rather go along to get along, though, so she gave in pretty readily.

Now we're going to get serious about shortening her frame. Willow has a lovely, long neck.

Now she needs to learn to carry it higher and not drop into a horizontal balance whenever she feels like it. Which means I have to get serious about not letting her. Look out, stomach muscles.

Ear phobia update: Willow let me put the bridle on from the off side again last night, although this time she was ready for me and it took a little longer. New carrot therapy exercise: folding her ears forward.

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