Thursday, December 5, 2013


We don't usually get much cold weather here in the southern Willamette Valley. Wintertime mostly means rain, highs in the 40s and 50s, and lows in the 30s. This week we've got a real cold snap going: highs around 30 and lows around 10. I'm not planning on blanketing the boys this winter EXCEPT when the weather is like this.

Apparently the herd has never seen horses in their jammies before. There was much consternation and running. They did seem to be settling down by the time I left.

Dakota was so good today! He stood like a rock while I tacked him up, and his speed on the lunge was much more adjustable. His canter departs are getting sharper, too, and the canter is more of a canter and less of a gallop. I am terribly wimpy about cold these days, so I'm not planning to ride him during this cold snap. I can't face wearing breeches and freezing my legs. As soon as the weather breaks, though, I'll be back in the saddle!

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