Saturday, February 14, 2009

Flipped-out mare

Willow has been showing me her difficult side for the past week, and it's been exhausting. I've been asking a lot of her since we started lessons, and I think her wee brain is melting down. As predicted, the canter fell apart for several days, with Willow convinced she couldn't possibly keep the forward on a shorter rein. Plus side: we got some pirouette canter. Minus side: said pirouette canter involved Willow's nose pointed to the ceiling.

Other challenges from Willow's bag o' tricks: refusal to do anything but wacky pirouette canter to the left. Charging through the outside rein to the left. Traveling extreme haunches-in to the right. Basically just giving me the equine version of a middle finger all week.

By mid-week I was almost ready to call out the dentist and the chiropractor, but last night and today things were better. Today Willow even offered some nice floaty mediums in trot on the lunge. So I think/hope she has just been testing me and we are getting back on track again. I knew what I was getting into when I bought myself a mare.


dp said...

Funny. The theme of so many blogs I read has lately been "Mares!!!" that I believe spring must be in the air. They are all acting a little crazy (even more so than usual).

Anonymous said...

My usually willing gelding is also pulling all kinds of funny tricks. I feel like yelling to the instructor "But HE started it!" because we are definitely arguing loudly! Sigh...

KD said...

I haven't watched any Endospink videos in months - thanks for reminding me.

Unknown said...

So the saying: "Tell a gelding, ask a mare, and discuss it with a stallion" proves to have some validity again. My chestnut mare is always willing with a quiet hand,leg and seat but she really lets you know if you asked too loud. Learning new things are always a challenge, but once she gets it we're done. Good luck - I will be keeping up with you.